Distinguished Public Lecture 29-03-2012
Distinguished Public Lecture
The Department of Business Administration
of the
organizes the Distinguished Public Lecture
”Managing the Fragility of the Eurozone”
To be held on Thursday, March 29th 2012.
Venue: Antoniadou Amphitheater,
18.00-19.00 Chair: George Kouretas (AUEB)
Speaker: Paul De Grauwe
Professor of International Economics, Catholic University of Louvain and John Paulson Chair in European Political Economy, London School of Economics
Paul De Grauwe is professor of international economics at the University of Leuven, Belgium and a former member of the Belgian parliament from 1991 to 2003. He obtained his Ph.D degree from the
Abstract: In this public lecture Professor De Grauwe argues that when entering a monetary union, member-countries change the nature of their sovereign debt in a fundamental way, i.e. they cease to have control over the currency in which their debt is issued. As a result, financial markets can force these countries’ sovereigns into default. In this sense member countries of a monetary union are downgraded to the status of emerging economies. This makes the monetary union fragile and vulnerable to changing market sentiments. It also makes it possible that self-fulfilling multiple equilibria arise. Within this framework he analyzes the implications of this fragility for the governance of the Eurozone. His main conclusion is that the new governance structure (ESM) does not sufficiently recognize this fragility. Some of the features of the new financial assistance are likely to increase this fragility. In addition, it is also likely to rip member-countries of their ability to use the automatic stabilizers during a recession. This is surely a step backward in the long history of social progress in
19:00-19:30: Questions and open discussion